How To...

Published on October 14, 2023

Author: Chris

This site is dedicated to finding the best price per unit for a wide range of products from eBay sellers. Focussing on the cost per unit is an important part of frugal shopping but retailers don't like to make it easy for us. If you've ever examined the price labels in supermarkets you will have noticed that they deliberately change the unit value by which the price per unit is expressed to confuse you into buying the product they want you to buy rather than the one that is the best value. Many people expect the larger pack to be better value but closer examination often reveals the opposite. eBay is no different and while the site sometimes shows a cost per unit it doesn't always and anyway there is no way to sort by this measure.

Here at How Much Per Unit we regularly inspect all the eBay listings for a range of popular products that are sold by their weight, volume, length, count etc. We extract the quantity for sale and use this calculate a price per unit. Our product pages contain tables of the top one thousand best prices per unit that we find for you to click through and buy on eBay. We are paid a small commission if you go on to make a purchase.

Unlike a supermarket eBay is just a marketplace representing millions of sellers worldwide and this presents challenges in the way these sellers describe the products they have for sale. While we make every effort to ensure that our product pages contain accurately interpreted listings there are so many variations in the ways sellers list products that sometimes quantities may be incorrectly interpreted. When using our product tables or after clicking a link to eBay please do read the seller's description carefully to ensure that it is offering the quantity we believe it does.

The tables on our product pages are sorted by cost per unit in ascending order by default. This is the last column of the table. The first column will display a picture of the eBay listing where available and the second column contains the item description from eBay. The third column contains the variant information for listings where multiple variations of the product are available. For example a single listing for shampoo may contain multiple variants for size of bottle or fragrance or both. We examine both the item description and the variation to arrive at the quantity we believe is being advertised. This is shown in the fourth column and the price for the variation being offered is shown in the fifth column. If the listing is for a single item with no variants the variant column will be empty.

Mow Much Per Unit Product Table headers

All the column headings have a diamond shape next to them that can be used to order that column ascending or descending. The 'Search' field will filter the table for the keyword you enter. This can be used to find a specific brand, colour, size, flavour etc.

Once you have found the listing that represents the best value for the item you are looking for just click on the link in the 'Title' column to be taken to it on eBay. You may need to select from the variants on offer to choose the specific variant we identified as the best value.

We hope you find this site useful and save money on your everyday essentials shopping on eBay!

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